
.Spring Wreaths.

This afternoon I had a few hours to myself and decided to hold off on unpacking, laundry, and cleaning..I decided to craft. It's been a while and I've missed it. Adam and I had a wonderful weekend visiting family in DE and came home to find VA in bloom! The colors inspired me to add a few more "Spring" touches to our little home. I chose to work with green (surprise, surprise) and thought it would be perfect for Spring as well as a certain holiday coming up :) If you have completely forgotten what holiday this is, here is one hint for you:

Kiss Me,
I'm Irish!

St. Patrick's Day is coming soon and even though I normally do not decorate for most holidays other than Christmas, I thought I would change it up this year! I made two small wreaths to hang on our sliding glass doors in our dining room. They were cheap, fast, and easy to make! (the perfect kind of craft!) Here are the materials needed:
Materials needed to create Spring (St. Patrick's Day) Wreaths:
      - Split Peas (purchased from Walmart for $.79)
      - Two 8 inch straw wreaths (purchased from Michaels for $.99 each with coupon, 
        originally $1.99 each)
      - Hot Glue Gun
      - Hot Glue Sticks
      - Elmer's Glue
      - Paint brush
      - Cookie sheet
      - Foil
      - Twine
This entire project cost me under $5.00 thanks to using supplies found in my home. Love when that happens! Because I am a nanny of two little girls who love to craft and watch me craft, I made a quick tutorial for your children to make a wreath of their very own :) Now your little ones can craft with you AND make the same thing as you! Fun right?!

Making Your Wreaths

1. Gather all of your supplies and prepare a clean, organized space to begin 
    crafting. (We all know it will not last this way BUT it's fun to start clean!)
2. After covering your cookie sheet with foil, pour your split peas into cookie
3a. For your children, pour Elmer's glue onto paper plate with paint brush and
       straw wreath close by.
3b. For yourself, grab your handy dandy hot glue gun and prepare to use a lot 
       of hot glue sticks ;)
4a. For your children, demonstrate how to dip the paint brush into the glue 
       and how to "paint" the straw wreath by smoothing out the gops of glue.
4b. For yourself, choose a small section to work on at a time. Draw lines of 
       hot glue to fill entire section. (I started by drawing a rectangle and then
       drew lines to fill in the middle.)
Now comes the fun step for both parties! Things are about to get "cooking!"
5a. For your children, once the wreath is covered in Elmer's glue (except the 
       backside), have your child or children place the wreath upside down into 
       the cookie sheet filled with split peas. Using their hands, they can rotate 
       the wreath into the peas and "smush" the peas up the sides of the 
       wreath. (Just like Mommy when she breads chicken!) When they are 
       finished, they can carefully turn it over to sit and dry. Here is the final 
It will not be filled completely with peas and that is o k a y. It's perfect because of the hands who made it :) {reminds me of an everything bagel..yep, I'm a Jersey girl!}
5b. For yourself, once your hot glue is filling in a small section of your 
       wreath, hold wreath on top of peas in cookie sheet and use your hand to 
       cup peas on top of your wreath. Again, this will be extremely reminiscent 
       of breading chicken. After completing a few small sections, it will begin to
       look like this:
6. Your child/children will be finished with their wreath but you still have 
     some work to do ;) Continue hot gluing small sections of your wreath and
     covering immediately with peas. It will begin to resemble this:
7. After about 15-20 minutes, you will be finished and left with a darling little
     wreath to enjoy!
Before I ran out of daylight, I managed to snap these two shots of my wreaths hanging up! I will post of few more pics tomorrow so you can see the whole room.
Thank you for reading! I hope you and your kids will enjoy making these Spring/St. Patrick's Day Wreaths! Remember..cheap, fast, and easy to make..the perfect craft ;)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

{Hi everyone--I am writing this little update/tip on 3/14/12 to inform everyone your spilt peas will turn brownish-yellow after about 6-8 weeks. I would recommend spraying your finished wreath with a clear gloss protective spray found at any craft store. I am not certain this will work but I am sure it will keep your spilt pea's vibrant color last longer :) Luckily this craft was cheap and for me rather simply to make so I did not mind throwing it out after two months. Good luck crafting and feel free to inform my readers how you kept your wreath green! Take care and happy crafting!}


  1. aw so cute and pretty Katie! I sure do love wreaths ;o) I dunno why, but I never decorate for St. Patricks day. I like that your decorations look St. Patrick's Day-esq but also perfect for spring!

  2. Katie that is so cute!!!! I might have to make littler ones next year for my classroom!

  3. Thanks Anna!

    I just saw your feature over at C.R.A.F.T. :) I was so excited when I recognized it was yours, congrats!

  4. love this ~ super cute!
    do you think you could save it from year to year or would it attract bugs?? even if you can't save it, it's inexpensive enough to make every year!! great job!

  5. Very cool idea! its fun that you were able to put this together so quickly!

  6. I love this! So simple and great texture.

  7. i would LOVE to have this wreath in my home...but am no where nearly as crafty as you...

  8. Cute Katie! I'll have to keep this in mind for next St. Patty's day, and perhaps Emma can help Mommy out! :)

  9. wow, so pretty. You are enabling my wreath addiction. How long did this take you to make? Love the way it hangs.

  10. I love it!! Found you from your uplink on Tatertots and Jello. Got yourself a new follower! :o)

  11. I was uploading my project to Get Your Craft On and spotted this wreath. LOVE it. So simple and wonderful. The color is fantastic.

  12. Thank you ladies! This project took me 40 minutes to make both wreaths. It was actually really relaxing and fun to make:)I always enjoy new followers so thank you! My follow box is kind of hidden at the very bottom of my blog. Thanks again everyone!

  13. Very Nice. I just bought some split peas to do something wonderful with. My husband was excited cuz he thought I was going to make him split pea soup.....um no.

  14. Those are really cute! I love the bright green of split peas! Visting from TipJunkie!

  15. I am split pea lover in decorating too!!! LOVE the wreath idea & so clever on filling the wreath.

  16. that turned out so great! I've never seen that and now I think I need to try that too! Thanks for the inspiration (;

  17. Love this! I use split peas in hurricane vases all year...love this idea!
    Visiting from Tip Me Tuesday.

  18. Oh, I love it!!! Thanks so much for the great tutorial! Can't wait to make one!!

  19. Really great idea! Turned out great!

  20. That is so funny! I made split pea soup yesterday, and was thinking what a pretty, springy green the peas were! I was thinking about buying more just to fill the glass canisters in my china cabinet for a spring decoration! I guess I'm not the only one who takes time to admire peas!

  21. This looks fantastic! I love it. Just did a centerpiece with split peas and some other beans. Such a fun color.

  22. I love this! So creative! I have to try this out!

  23. This is such a cute idea! I will definitely have to try this. New follower from Bliss Images and Beyond, would love if you checked my blog out and perhaps follow back. Great job and I love that the little ones can get involved!

  24. I absolutely love those. What a great tutorial. I also love that you included a kids tutorial :) I am now following you, and I would love a follow back!


  25. So clever! I love this idea! I'll be following your blog!

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  26. Very cute! What a great idea!!


  27. Hey Katie...I love it so much. ! I've missed your posts...hope you're doing well ! xo

  28. Great idea!! Visiting from Get Your Craft On and I am a new follower!
    Have a great day!

  29. I love these!! I think they are just perfect for spring! And what a fun thing to do with your kids too!
    Thanks so much for linking up to Think Pink Sundays!

  30. I'm new to your blog and love it! That is such a fabulous idea!!! Thanks for the inspiration.

  31. Looks great! It seems so easy even I could probably do it :)
    - Katie

  32. Saw this at Blue Cricket. LOVE it. I think it is so fresh and springy.

    Thanks for sharing. This is definitely going on my bookmark. Now I need to peek around the rest of your blog!

    Just Another Day in Paradise

  33. Green is my favorite color, but I never really knew people used split peas for decorating until I got on the web. Love that you shared a kid and adult version. Also love the color and unexpected texture of your wreath!

  34. I am visiting from blue cricket design link party. This is such a cute idea I love it and I like how you can use it for more than just St. Patricks day I have a green and brown room and I think this would look so pretty in there. Thank you for the idea I bookmarked it.

  35. What a great idea! So creative. I'll definitely be looking at my grocery store differently today! :)

  36. This is such a great idea! I never would have thought of using beans! Looks great!

  37. So fun! Love the texture and color of these little guys!! Thanks for sharing!!

  38. That is awesome. I love that it's a kid's project, but it looks so professional. You should come link up with Fun for Kids Friday! www.localfunforkids.com

  39. Such a cute idea! I also just saw your acorn wreath....girl....you are good! I intend to do both!
    Thank you for sharing! Love, Me www.youaretalkingtoomuch.com

  40. this is utterly brilliant...thanks for posting...would love for you to link this to my fridays unfolded @ http://www.stuff-and-nonsense.net/2011/03/fridays-unfolded-10.html...now following.


    stuff and nonsense

  41. Wow! I never would have considered using split peas for crafts! You rock! I am popping over from Amanda's Weekend Bloggy Reading party to say hi!

  42. That is so nice and unique idea. I like it alot. But I just want to know that as peas are vegetables,so will not they got rotten?? If not then I will definitely try them at home. Nice dear

  43. I think I may be in love with this wreath. Yes. I am!!!!!!

  44. Hey Katie!! Thanks again for linking this up to Think Pink Sundays! I featured it today! http://www.flamingotoes.com/2011/03/crush-of-the-week-think-pink-features/

  45. Super cute. Love this idea and of course you could use other beans for other looks. Awesome.

  46. Saw this over on Flamingo Toes today...very cute!

  47. What an adorable wreath! I've been wanting some wreaths to hang on interior doors of my house and this is perfect! Thanks for sharing!

  48. LOVE it! Found you on Today's Creative. So funny, I just posted a Spring Mantel re-do on my blog yesterday (http://juliechats.blogspot.com) featuring tons of split peas! I love it so much I put a link to your post on my FB page (Willow House Julie) if you're interested. Have a great weekend, thanks for the great, cute, cheap decorating idea!!!

  49. Katie, { L O V E } this project, thanks for sharing!

  50. I love this idea & will save it for a future kids' craft (and for me, too!). The color green is fantastic & we use it throughout the house...we prob won't have to wait for the next St. Patty's Day.


  51. Not sure if I have the patience for this, but I really love it.

  52. Absolutely love it...how are the burns on your hands after making this? I'm going to try this out!

  53. What a unique idea for a wreath! I can honestly say I haven't seen anyone else with a split pea wreath, and I love it. :) It can definitely transition nicely into Spring.

    Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. Have fun finding a new read or two, and I hope you'll visit me at Serenity Now again soon. :)

  54. Hi, what a gorgeous wreath you made there. Just letting you know I featured your project over at www.justpleasedaspunch.blogspot.com. You are one talented lady!

  55. Oh my...that is super cute!! It is my 3 favorite things - cheap, easy, & quick! Thanks for posting it!!

  56. This is so cute! I happen to have a couple bags of peas because I bought some to fill a bowl I have and I guess I thought the bowl was alot bigger than it actually was!

    I'd love to have you stop by my blog sometime! I came here from the tatertots and jello linky party!

  57. I love this it is such a cute idea! I am going to make one of these soon. Love the idea, simple and inexpensive, two things I like like. Darling blog.

  58. so glad you decided to link this up to fridays unfolded...can you believe i went right out and bought some split peas? haven't made the wreath yet, but you can bet i'm not saving those peas for soup...;)


    stuff and nonsense

  59. Okay, I'm totally doing this! May I do a feature of this tute on my blog? I think it's so attainable and will get so many of us rushing out to buy split peas! It reminds me of the wreaths that Ballard had in a local show house over the holidays. It was the Southern Living Dream Home. They had three simple green wreaths on three windows above a bath tub. I looked online at the time and was shocked at the price. Now, I see this!!! Wahoo!

    It's just adorable.

    I can't wait to make mine and hang them up asap!


  60. i really like this idea...have you seen the ones with acorns?

  61. Thanks for the idea, i did a bunny covered in peas for the Iron Craft challenge


  62. Love your wreath! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites last week! I'm featuring you for this week! Come by and grab my featured button if you'd like one.

  63. What a great project - I just love any kind of wreath made with natural materials and this is so perfect for spring! Found you through Friday Favorites and will definitely be back :)

  64. Gorgeous! Would this work with a polystyrene ring? I've never seen straw wreaths in South Africa…

  65. o.k. i did this - it took forever, but loved how it turned out - - - until the split peas started turning yellow. any ideas why this happened???

  66. Great spring wreath project...thanks for the update about the peas changing color. Found your wreath on pinterest. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  67. Mine turned out very badly. Lots of tiny holes and glue hoeing everywhere. Then I burned my hands a whole lot! It's sooooo pretty but not as easy as it looks. Or I am an idiot. I am not discounting the latter.

  68. I love the texture of the split peas on this wreath! I featured it in a Spring Wreath Pinterest Round Up on my blog! http://www.thelovenerds.com/2013/03/spring-wreaths-weekend-pinterest-round.html

    Maggie @ thelovenerds.com

  69. I did this craft with my Daisy Girl Scouts (age 5/6). We did this as part of our Earth Day project. They loved it!! We conducted our meeting outside and as the wreaths were drying, I allowed them to canvas around and find other natural items they could glue on the wreath. The end product was beautiful. Some girls added pine cones, grass, twigs, dandelions. Each wreath was unique! Thanks so much for this idea!

  70. Hi! I’m an editor for Remodelaholic.com and am writing to request permission to use a photo from your split pea wreath tutorial, here: https://littlethingsbringsmiles.blogspot.com/2011/03/spring-wreaths.html

    We hope to feature this in an upcoming spring wreath round up. We would include a backlink and clear credit to you via the name of your blog.

    Additionally, we routinely publish round-up style posts on our site and if you’re willing to allow us to use one photo from other posts you’ve done, we would love to add you to our directory of sites to feature. As a bonus, your site would then be on our radar for possible Facebook shares as well.

    Please let me know if this is satisfactory. Thanks for your consideration!

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