
.Clean House.

Is there anything better than returning home after vacation to a clean house?

We made it back safely from our trip to Iceland last night and our clean house was the first to greet us. As we both smiled and watched our dog run in and out of every room, it hit me. All of the hours spent cleaning, organizing, and doing laundry before we left were worth it. It was all worth it to bring that incredible feeling over us.

Thank you clean house for the warmest, brightest, freshest welcome back ever!


  1. I know what you mean! I always try to get our house as clean as possible before we go on a trip - unpacking is enough of a job, I'd hate to have to do it on top of coming home to a mess! Hope you had a wonderful trip!

  2. My husband doesn't understand the necessity of a clean house before a vacation!!!!! It's the best feeling in the world but he thinks I'm weird!

  3. Can't wait to hear all about your trip! Coming home to a clean house is always a wonderful feeling!!!! The hard work paid off!

  4. i know what you mean! i mean, okay to be honest my bed is hardly ever made. i pull the sheets and comforter up and call it done. but for some reason when we go out of town, i make it how it was meant to be made and i put all the decorative pillows on and everything. it's just so nice to come back to a pretty bed. and if i have time i wash the sheets before i go too. it's wonderful coming back to that. : )

  5. I am the exact.same.way. I can absolutely NOT go on a trip (even a weekend trip!) without making sure my house is clean... dishes done, beds made, carpet vacuumed, etc. It's so nice to come home and not have a thing to worry about except unpacking the bags!

  6. This is a good idea to keep our cleaning tools and supplies within easy reach too. This is also a very good post which I really enjoyed reading. It is not everyday that I have the possibility to see something like this.
