
.Coming Soon.

Today as the girls were napping, I spent some time discovering new blogs and really enjoyed my findings. Reading blogs leave me feeling two ways..the first is relaxed and inspired (the best), the second is a bit of jealousy and discontentment (the worst). Some days it is hard for me to see other peoples' exquisite homes and beautiful families. On these days, I have to stop and remember all that God has given Adam and I. We both have jobs, great jobs, we have a home, a pantry filled with food, two cars with a full tank of gas, a crazy adorable dog, and LOVE. Life is wonderful and I hope all of you remember this as you are reading blog after blog and seeing things you do not have..as Adam always says, "Good things are coming." 

On a more positive note :) Blogs are wonderful and I am thoroughly enjoying writing one about my life here in VA with Adam and Colden. I want to thank you for taking the time to read about us and sharing such encouraging and kind words in your comments..they really make my day! While on the "blog" subject--

These are the top three things I look for in blogs: 

- Crafts for Adults and Children
- Adorable Babies/Families

After realizing what I LOVE viewing and reading about in blogs, it occurred to me I have never shared my home with you. Adam and I are still "renters" and plan to be for quite some time but we are in love with our place. It is little and attached to another family (it is a duplex) way out in the middle of the woods, but we love it! The outside is nothing special BUT the inside has so much character and that's what we love :)

Adam and I were extremely blessed throughout the years (and at our bridal shower/wedding) and were able to fully furnish our little home. Most of the furniture came from my first townhouse I shared with three other girls in college and the rest were gifts and purchases from weddings gifts. There is always room and many ways to continue decorating our home and making it better, but we had a budget when we first moved in and I am proud to say we stuck to it! We have lived in our home since June 2009 and we feel "at home" as well as our guests and that's all that matters to us! 

- Pictures of our home
- Some of our DIY House Projects
- The beginning of a Bedroom Makeover ;)

Thank you again for reading. I would love to know how you personally feel about reading blogs, writing your own, and what you specifically look for in blogs. Remember, you can always comment as Anonymous! I look forward to your comments/thoughts! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thursday afternoon--almost the weekend!


  1. One thing to always remember about blogs is that people put on what they want the world to see. Some people put it all, and some only put the good stuff - the perfect view that they want to portray to the world. I enjoy blogs that give you a glimpse into their everyday and while sometimes that is perfect and lovely, other times, someone's kids are sick or naughty, their laundry has piled up, or they are just tired. But those ones are the best because they are REAL! And usually those people who are REAL, are also honest and put life in perspective. And your blog is REAL and I really enjoy reading it! One other favorite is Clover Lane (memoriesoncloverlane.blogspot.com); beautiful house, 5 kids and REAL!

    It's also hard for me to become discontent when reading others blogs, wishing for the house they may have or the TIME they seem to have, but like you said - God has blessed me beyond belief!
    :o) Amanda

  2. If you like looking at houses there is a blog called "hooked on houses," that you should check out. Also, if you are looking for real, I love A Slob Comes Clean. It's a non-traditional housekeeping blog.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My dear Katie- your blog spot is wonderful. i am so impressed with your writing, the layout and your home and crafts. don't be jealous of the homes and families others have! you and Adam are just starting out and what you have in already a short time is priceless and beautiful.. all in good time, my dear! i love you! oxox auntie lin!

  5. I just want to encourage you and let you know that your blogs are awesome. I always look at them and wish that I had time to do crafts and were creative like you. Don't feel discouraged and jealous by looking at other peoples blogs because you have a fantastic one! Keep it up:)

  6. Hey, don't get yourself down.

    You're such a different person than the pretty shy girl I remember from so many years ago, and it's so cool to see you on your own, and happy.

    Struggling with negativity has always been a huuuuge issue for me, as you may remember (I'm Jess, Scott's friend from high school... went to church with you guys for a while -- in case you thought I was some strange creeper LOL), and I stumbled over your blog again yesterday while I was at work... I read it for the rest of the afternoon (I have a lot of downtime at the office) and I left work in a great mood. I promptly went to Barnes and Noble, picked up the crochet motif book I had on my Christmas list this year, went home, got the huge box of yarn I received for Christmas, and started crocheting again. Your enthusiasm for crafting and being creative inspired me to get back into what I love doing.

    Now that I've written a book here, I don't doubt that you feel just fine about your blog and what-have-you but I thought you could use the extra boost, knowing that you managed to touch some crazy chick you haven't seen in probably a decade and who was a little (okay a lot) rough around the edges even then ;)


  7. I recently read a blog post about this same thing;


    On the positive side, sometimes reading blogs of peoples successes helps motivate me to work a little harder at life :)

  8. You are not alone! I often feel discontent reading others' blogs and looking through Facebook pages. It often makes me feel like deleting my account but I should think like Dominique and make it motivate me!

  9. Oh and PS- I love your decorating style and the character of your home!

  10. Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once
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